Weekend Schedule

If you were at our wedding, you know that we don't want you to have a moment to yourselves. Here's what you can expect during Dori's Bat Mitzvah weekend:

Friday, May 9
Shabbat services are at 6 for those interested at Temple Beth El Mekor Chayim in Cranford.

Dinner out after services, probably starting about 7:15. You don't have to go to services to attend! There may be more than one group dinner going on that night. If you're free, we'd love for you to join us. We'll be hosting an informal dinner at Deli King in Clark (30 Clarkton Drive), for those who want to get their kosher East Coast deli fix in (they have vegetarian options). Like traditional delis, you don't go here for the atmosphere, but the traditional Jewish food is good.

Please let us know you'll be joining us, by emailing rsvp (at) kaplanink (dot) com.

This isn't an actual service (it's a concert),
but it's still the right sanctuary.
Saturday, May 10
Shabbat morning services at TBEMC, starting at 9:30. In true Conservative service style, the regulars won't show up right at 9:30, but will start trickling in between then and 10. But you'll get better seats if you show up early with us, and you won't be forced to sit in the front row! We're expecting a packed crowd. Services last about 2 hours (maybe 15 minutes little longer with speeches and Bat Mitzvah stuff - maybe 11:45-12). Services are followed by a Kiddush lunch, which will run until 1:30 or so (it's buffet, so the timing is flexible).

Mid-day - Free Time!!! See the "what to do while in NJ" page for ideas on what to do.

Evening party - In the evening (6:30-10:30), we'll be hosting a party for our families, out-of-town guests and Dori's friends, at Stage House Tavern in nearby Scotch Plains. This historic building (built in the 1700s I think) has great food and atmosphere, and is a favorite for locals.

Sunday, May 11
Mother's Day brunch - This is a brunch for everyone who HAS a mother. It's at Chez Kaplan. Drop by after 10 - it's open house style. Mark made me promise not to cook that morning, so we'll be serving some local delicacies. Please let us know you'll be joining us, by emailing rsvp (at) kaplanink (dot) com.

No more events! It's time to go home.

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